The Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Minister in Rome. 28 October 1940

The delivery of a Note by the Italian Minister this morning demanding a free passage into Greek territory and the occupation of certain strategic points under the threat of force, followed immediately by the Italian army’s aggression against Greek territory, and today’s repeated air-attacks against towns and military bases have created a state of war which has been deliberately provoked by Italy. Greece has not sought this war and has done every-thing in her power to avoid it.

I am compelled by these events to request you, after communicating the above to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to ask for your passports.

We are asking the Swiss Government to assume the protection of Greek interests.

Please make the necessary arrangements for your departure as well as for that of the Consuls under your jurisdiction without awaiting the reply of the Swiss Government. If necessary, the Chef Archivist should be left in charge of the Archives.


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